42 research outputs found

    The position of the EU organic label among Hungarian consumers: factors of awareness and regular shopping

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    The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has undergone many reforms and - over the past decades - has reached a level where food security issues are basic criteria for the European food production. From the beginning of the 1990s, the EU has been trying to reinforce this positive overall impression with quality systems which are regulated at the Community level. Basically, European decision-makers regard two areas as being of paramount importance: geographical indication and organic food. Each system has separate certifications and labels to help consumers make their decisions. Despite the fact that these products are also important factors of EU trade policy and in the case of geographical indications in Hungary, there has been a separate Origin Protection Program, the relationship between Central and Eastern Europe consumers with this system is a rather undiscovered area. That’s why the aim of this study is to investigate the awareness of the Hungarian consumers about the EU organic label and the factors that determine the awareness of the EU organic logo and the regular purchases. Not surprisingly, the awareness of the EU organic label and is still low despite the growing tendency in the recent years. The survey conducted in Hungary is based on a sample with 1,019 consumers. The online consumer survey was implemented during the second half of 2017. Results show that among the European food quality labels the organic label is one of the most recognized ones in Hungary, but its average awareness is still very low: less than every fourth Hungarian consumer knows what this label is for. The awareness of the EU organic logo is mainly determined by the sex (male), diet (fish consumption, (ovo)-vegetarian) and the place of purchase (alternative routes and internet). Regarding regular purchases, trust in the label and the system is crucial next to the age (younger ones), and purchase (supermarket). Therefore, in order to increase the sales of products with EU organic label, it is essential to sell bio food more widely, which will enable consumers to know more about organic products and the EU organic logo; as well as the application of a proper marketing strategy by companies to reach their potential target group, mainly the younger consumers. In any case, the future goal is to raise the awareness of bio and other quality systems (e.g. GI) products because the higher level of comsumers’ awareness and trust can lead to a higher level of consumer willingness to pay. And this results in mutual benefit for both producers and consumers. &nbsp

    Possible routes of the chinese new silk road - can the V4 countries benefit?

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    The Ancient Silk Road was created 2100 years ago during the Han Dynasty (I-II century BC) to promote trade between China and Europe. The road was more than 7,000 km long and served as a catalyst for development for many centuries. After the 15th century, the Silk Road – and, at the same time, China's dominant role – lost its significance due to geographical discoveries. The dramatic fall in technology and the cost of transportation has led to the Silk Road being forgotten today. The New Silk Road Initiative (also named ‘One Belt, One Road’ concept) has been China's greatest economic effort ever, with the main objective of stimulating economic development in Asia, Europe and Africa. It consists of two parts: the Belt will rely on major cities along the route that will carry some kind of central economic and commercial functions; while the Road is based on large ports, which together will result in a safe and efficient logistics route.The concept would affect 64% of the world's population (4.4 billion people) and would cover 30% of the world's GDP ($ 21 trillion). In recent years, China's economic growth has slowed down, and Chinese goods have become more and more expensive to rely on their main competitive advantage, the low price. This trend points to the need to examine the possibilities of making the transport of goods more efficient. Asia-Europe rail trade accounts for between 3% and 3.5% of total trade between the continents. It follows that 95-96% of the trade between the two continents is carried out at sea. The exact routes of the New Silk Road Initiative have not yet been fully defined but will consist of several land and sea transport routes. We made a systematic literature review to identify the possible paths of the New Silk Road. The initial search obtained 1.739 entries across all databases, which ended up in 49 relevant publications, but in this study we used only 17 publications due to the specificity of the topicAccording to the majority of the literature, the New Silk Road would consist of three general land routes. The first land route from China to Central Asia and Russia would reach Europe through the Baltic Sea. The second route would run through Central-, West Asia, the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean and Central Europe. This route would affect the V4 countries, especially Hungary. The third route would run through Southeast and South Asia to the Indian Ocean. The Maritime Silk Road would start from the coasts of China through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean to Africa and Europe; as well as from the Chinese coastal ports through the South China Sea to the Pacific Ocean

    High-level Multicore Programming with C++11

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    Nowadays, one of the most important challenges in programming is the efficient usage of multicore processors. All modern programming languages support multicore programming at native or library level. C++11, the next standard of the C++ programming language, also supports multithreading at a low level. In this paper we argue for some extensions of the C++ Standard Template Library based on the features of C++11. These extensions enhance the standard library to be more powerful in the multicore realm. Our approach is based on functors and lambda expressions, which are major extensions in the language. We contribute three case studies: how to efficiently compose functors in pipelines, how to evaluate boolean operators in parallel, and how to efficiently accumulate over associative functors

    Az Új Selyemút mentén fekvő országokba irányuló magyar export lehetőségei

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    Az Új Selyemút Kína valaha volt legnagyobb projektje, amelynek fő célja Ázsia, Európa és Afrika gazdasági fejlődésének és kapcsolatrendszerének előmozdítása. A mai korra jellemző globalizáció és ennek hatására a fajlagos szállítási költségek drámai csökkenése, a vasúti technológiák fejlődése, illetve a politikai struktúrák átalakulása ismét egy „modern” selyemút létrehozását helyezték a kínai állam célkeresztjébe. Magyarország potenciálisan három vasútvonal segítségével kapcsolódhat be a kezdeményezésbe. A cikk az e vasútvonalak mentén elhelyezkedő országokba irányuló magyar exportot elemzi termékcsoport- és termékszinten. Az Új Selyemút nyomán – különösen a vasúti szállítás fejlődésének hatására – Magyarország exportszerkezete átalakulhat. A tanulmány leglényegesebb következtetése szerint a hazai vállalatoknak főként az agrár-, a gépipari és a gyógyszeripari termékekre kell helyezniük a hangsúlyt, mert ezek mind a fajlagos tömeg, mind a logisztika alapján a legnagyobb mértékben tesznek eleget a vasúti szállítás követelményeinek

    China’s New Silk Road and Central and Eastern Europe—A Systematic Literature Review

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    The ancient Silk Road was created to promote trade between China and Europe; however, at the end of the fifteenth century, the Silk Road and China’s dominant role began to decline, mostly due to the geographical discoveries. At the same time, today’s globalization and the development of rail technologies have once again put the creation of a New Silk Road (NSR) in the crosshairs of China. The aim of this study is twofold: on the one hand, to present the NSR Initiative launched by China and its various important elements. On the other hand, it seeks to map Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), focusing on the 17 + 1 Mechanism and the Visegrad Group (V4 countries), for the potential impacts of this initiative on these countries. To achieve a wide‐ranging overview of the New Silk Road concepts, a comprehensive systematic literature review was conducted. The NSR could benefit most CEE countries and result in more and cheaper products due to the increase in delivery speed and the decrease in delivery time. The initiative’s success depends mainly on the stability and willingness to participate of CEE countries, especially the V4 countries, thus becoming logistics hubs in the region

    Possible routes of the chinese new silk road - can the V4 countries benefit?

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    The Ancient Silk Road was created 2100 years ago during the Han Dynasty (I-II century BC) to promote trade between China and Europe. The road was more than 7,000 km long and served as a catalyst for development for many centuries. After the 15th century, the Silk Road – and, at the same time, China's dominant role – lost its significance due to geographical discoveries. The dramatic fall in technology and the cost of transportation has led to the Silk Road being forgotten today. The New Silk Road Initiative (also named ‘One Belt, One Road’ concept) has been China's greatest economic effort ever, with the main objective of stimulating economic development in Asia, Europe and Africa. It consists of two parts: the Belt will rely on major cities along the route that will carry some kind of central economic and commercial functions; while the Road is based on large ports, which together will result in a safe and efficient logistics route.The concept would affect 64% of the world's population (4.4 billion people) and would cover 30% of the world's GDP ($ 21 trillion). In recent years, China's economic growth has slowed down, and Chinese goods have become more and more expensive to rely on their main competitive advantage, the low price. This trend points to the need to examine the possibilities of making the transport of goods more efficient. Asia-Europe rail trade accounts for between 3% and 3.5% of total trade between the continents. It follows that 95-96% of the trade between the two continents is carried out at sea. The exact routes of the New Silk Road Initiative have not yet been fully defined but will consist of several land and sea transport routes. We made a systematic literature review to identify the possible paths of the New Silk Road. The initial search obtained 1.739 entries across all databases, which ended up in 49 relevant publications, but in this study we used only 17 publications due to the specificity of the topicAccording to the majority of the literature, the New Silk Road would consist of three general land routes. The first land route from China to Central Asia and Russia would reach Europe through the Baltic Sea. The second route would run through Central-, West Asia, the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean and Central Europe. This route would affect the V4 countries, especially Hungary. The third route would run through Southeast and South Asia to the Indian Ocean. The Maritime Silk Road would start from the coasts of China through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean to Africa and Europe; as well as from the Chinese coastal ports through the South China Sea to the Pacific Ocean

    Minőségjelzős élelmiszerek helyzete és kilátásai Magyarországon – Az EU biocímke esete

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    A tanulmány az EU-s biotanúsító címke ismertségével, valamint a logó ismeretét és a rendszeres vásárlást meghatározó tényezőkkel foglalkozik a magyar fogyasztók körében. A több mint 1.000 fő bevonásával elvégzett felmérés adatain - a vonatkozó hazai és nemzetközi szakirodalom feldolgozását követően – a leíró statisztikai elemzéseken túl binomiális logisztikus regressziós elemzéseket végeztek a szerzők. Magyarországon mind az organikus termelésbe vont földterületek aránya, mind pedig a bioélelmiszerek fogyasztása az Európai Unió 28 tagállamához viszonyítva meglehetősen alacsony. Nem meglepő, hogy az EU biocímke és bioélelmiszerek ismertsége a növekvő tendencia ellenére még mindig alacsonynak tekinthető. A kutatási eredmények alapján Magyarországon az EU biologó ismeretét főként a nem (férfi), az étrend (halfogyasztás, (ovo)-vegetáriánus) és a vásárlás helyszíne (alternatív úton és online) határozza meg. A rendszeres vásárlást tekintve a címkébe és a rendszerbe vetett bizalom kulcsfontosságú. Az EU biocímkével ellátott termékek eladásainak növeléséhez tehát elengedhetetlen a bioélelmiszerek nagyobb választékban és szélesebb körben történő értékesítése, amelynek köszönhetően a fogyasztók jobban megismerhetik a biotermékeket és a biologót, valamint a vállalatok által megfelelő marketingstratégia alkalmazása, amellyel elérhetik a potenciális célcsoportjukat, a fiatalabb korosztályokat. ------- The aim of this study is to investigate the awareness of the Hungarian consumers about the EU organic label and the factors that determine the awareness of the EU organic logo and the regular purchases of such products. The survey conducted in Hungary is based on a sample with more than 1.000 consumer, and - after the systematic literature review - beyond descriptive statistical analysis the authors used binomial logistic regression models. In Hungary, both the proportion of land with certified organic production and the consumption of organic food in relation to the 28 member states of the European Union is rather low. Not surprisingly, the awareness of the EU organic label and organic food is still low despite the growing tendency in the recent years. The awareness of the EU organic logo is mainly determined by the sex (male), diet (fish consumption, (ovo)-vegetarian) and the place of purchase (alternative routes and internet). Regarding regular purchases, trust in the label and the system is crucial. Therefore, in order to increase the sales of products with EU organic label, it is essential to sell bio food more widely, that will enable consumers to know more about organic products and the EU organic logo; as well as the application of a proper marketing strategy by companies to reach their potential target group, mainly the younger consumers